Asst. Prof. Dr. Peng-Fei Chen was invited to attend the China-ASEAN Vocational Education Research Forum 2021

Asst. Prof. Dr. Peng-Fei Chen was invited to attend the China-ASEAN Vocational Education Research Forum 2021



Asst. Prof. Dr. Peng-Fei Chen stated in her address that the Eastern Economic Corridor development plan will support and
promote China's "One Belt One Road" program in a cogent manner, resulting in a mutually beneficial scenario through mutual cooperation,
as part of Thailand's 4.0 plan. Professor Chen also stated that Thailand's educational efforts to accomplish the 2030 Sustainable
Development Goals and better address population growth, the wealth gap, and the environmental catastrophe will necessitate long-term
cooperation between the two countries.


Asst. Prof. Dr. Peng-Fei Chen also discussed some of Borenda's scientific research fields, with an emphasis on investigating the
inventive culture of the use of developing technologies in China and Thailand, such as banking, tourism, and education. Digital finance
and farmer credit, tourism ecosystem, virtual reality applications of MOOCs in language teaching, and working memory (WM) in children's
education are among the five key issues covered.

This event (Commemoration of the 60th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Diplomatic Relationship between China
and Laos China-ASEAN Education Cooperation Week Vocational Education) provided a venue for mutual learning and mutual
learning between domestic and international universities, as well as increased academic exchanges and collaboration. Boren
University's invitation to participate in this event represents not only the worldwide community's recognition of Boren University,
but also gives Boren University a platform to better promote itself to Chinese universities and students. Improving the quality of
Boren University's worldwide exchanges and collaboration is critical




โดย PENPISUT SIKAKAEW, PH.D., Warawut Ruankham

Source of Content:

30 November 2021