A review of literature indicated that there is a lack of study analyzing and synthesinzing a body of knowledge regarding hotel business innovation. This study, therefore, is based on documentary research with the following research objectives: 1) to survey the studies in regard to hotel business innovation and 2) to synthesize a body of knowledge in regard to hotel business innovation to provide an appropriate framework for business implementation.
According to the findings, it was found that 1) there was a total of 55 studies in regard to hotel business innovation. Most of them were quantitative studies. The areas of investigation were mostly in southern region, Bangkok and its metropolitan areas. Most researchers preferred to do innovation studies in the context of hotels. Most studies were examined regarding hotel innovation more than one type. 2) For the synthesis of research works in regard to hotel business innovation, it can be divided into 6 issues: (1) the necessityof hotel business innovation, (2) fundamental elements to generate innovation, (3) the category of innovation in service industry/hotel business, (4) factors contributing to hotelbusiness innovation, (5) innovation and hotel administration, and (6) the samples for hotel business innovation. In this regard, hotel practitioners may implement the knowledge from this research to develop their works for hotel business innovation.
นักวิจัย : ดร.ดาวศุกร์ บุญญะศานต์ และ รศ.ดร.อัศวิน แสงพิกุล
สังกัด : คณะการท่องเที่ยวและการโรงแรม มหาวิทยาลัยธุรกิจบัณฑิตย์
ปีที่เสร็จ : 2566